Get Ready for Spring Cleaning

One of the things that I first do when Spring comes around is do my spring cleaning. Whether be it purging outgrown clothes of my kids or deep cleaning spaces that needs special attention.
Spring is the perfect time to tackle some of those necessary deep cleaning tasks and send away the smell of the winter months from your home. In my case, I try to regularly clean our windows or dust the furnitures or ceiling fans, there are still important cleaning tasks that I know I have left off my list list. I am going to share those to you and maybe this year, you can add these things to your to-do list so you can have a fresh living space to kick off spring!
Appliances — Wipe or wash down the surfaces of your refigerator, microwave, oven, etc with damp cloth. I rarely use cleaning solutions when I am cleaning unless I have to gut something out. There is a possibility to extend the lifespan of your appliances and keep them working well by taking good care of them.
During your spring cleaning efforts, you probably already clean the oven, empty and wipe down the fridge, etc. But there are a few appliance upkeep tasks you might be skipping.
If you want your washing machine to properly clean your clothes, make sure to clean your washing machine every once in a while. The same goes for your dishwasher. If you’re unsure how to clean your appliance, or how often you should clean it, simply do a google search on “how to clean [appliance name]”.
Pantry — Most of us, regularly clean out the refrigerator for spoiled, expired or rotten food, but the pantry is also an important area where we store our food that needs regular cleaning and purging.
This is a good time to make sure all the food in your pantry is fresh by checking expiration dates, include in your check your spices and cooking oils.
Also, since we also store food in the pantry, wipe down those shelves with a food-safe cleaner, I just use a damp cloth to clean my pantry.
Lastly, it’s time to reorganize for function. Base your arrangement on how you use or how often you use them. Make sure the pantry items you use the most often are the most easily accessible.
Bathroom — Just like with other spaces in my home, I regularly clean the bathrooms and then deep clean once a month. But it shouldn’t stop at scrubbing the toilet or wiping down the mirror. Let me ask you this, when was the last time you cleaned out the exhaust fan? Let’s do that regularly because ff it’s clogged up with dust, there is a possibility of it being less effective at venting the moisture out from the steamy showers – which can possibly lead to mold.
It is also a good time to gut out or remove those hard water deposits that build up on your showerhead, sink faucets and tub faucets. Tip: White vinegar will take those right off. I soak a towel or a cleaning cloth with 50:50 white vinegar and warm water. Wrap the cloth around the faucet and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Use a soft sponge or toothbrush to get to narrow areas to remove the water deposits. Rinse with water.
Lastly, when was the last time you replaced your bath mat or your shower curtain liner? This is the time to change with new ones or washed ones. Spring cleaning is a great time to make sure none of your bathroom items are past their expiration dates.
Garage — Cleaning the garage can be a daunting task for some people. My garage isn’t perfect too but garage is the place in your home where it can get so out of hand that there is no more room to park vehicles.
One of my techniques to maintain it is that I don’t attach the whole garage at once! To make it attainable and more manageable, break it down into sections. And because it is such a big space, don’t expect yourself to get it all done in one day.
This space is often treated like the “junk drawer” of rooms: A place where you can throw anything that doesn’t have a home. It seems so overwhelming to truly create a clean, organized space, like the garage. So a regular purging and organizing or just simply asking yourself what actually belongs in the garage, versus what you put there because you didn’t know where else to put it is definitely necessary to keep it clean and o
Creating space-efficient storage is essential in order to make sure your garage can fit both your car and the items you need to store. Shelving and pegboards are a great way to get items off of the floor. And remember, if you haven’t used it in a year, you might not actually need it.
Also, remember that even though spring cleaning is the popularly accepted time to deep clean your entire home, that doesn’t mean you have to do all of these things at once! If your spring cleaning list starts to get overwhelming, maybe it makes more sense for you to split annual tasks into seasonal to-do lists. Over time, you’ll learn what works best for you and your home!
I really hope you find this post useful and if you have anything that you want me to post in the future, just let me know, XO.

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